University of Lambung Mangurat and SMP Negeri Banjarmasin will be my second homes. I will going to SMP Negeri 1 every day and will go back to ULM every afternoon. Since I’ll have my practice in SMP Negeri 1, I have to know her more.

With a series of interview to the teacher and students, I know now about some facts and information about the schools.


YEAR 2017/2018 STUDY

  1. Name of School : SMPN 1 Banjarmasin
  2. Name Principal : Drs. H. Gt. Khairurrahman, M.Pd
  3. NSS / NPSN : 201156002001/30304177
  4. Land : 5.305m 2
  5. Year Established : 1927
  6. Study : SMP (Junior High School)
  7. Status : Country
  8. Address : Jalan Batu Tiban No. 23 Complex


  1. City : Banjarmasin
  2. Telephone / Faximil : (0511) 3353581 / (0511) 3353776
  3. Address Website :-
  4. E-mail :
  5. School : Urban
  6. School Conditions : The number of classes: 27 classes
  7. Type of School : A

Vision, Mission, and Goals Schools

  1. Vision

“Noble, Intelligent And Competitive In The Quality And Cultured

Environment “.


  1. The realization of a human being who is able to apply religious values in
  2. The realization of the competence of graduates who are intelligent, competent and competitive insight
  3. The realization of the school development environment cultured according to the value and the character of the
  1. Mission
  1. Develop the potential of students to apply religious values in life.
  2. Develop and implement a process of active learning, innovative, creative, effective and fun global
  3. Providing educational services as well as increased commitment to the school community functions and duties.
  4. Build and develop competence of learners with spiritachieving a competitive basis in the field of academic and non-academic.
  5. Availability of educators who have the competence and
  6. Foster a culture of love the environment so as to create learning and working conditions comfortable and productive for the school
  1. Aim

The objectives as follows:

  1. The realization of the school community to behave in accordance with religious values and the prevailing culture of
  2. The realization of a wide range of innovative learning model with various strategies ICT-based learning that is active, creative, effective and
  3. Realization of achievement in academic and non academic fields marked with won the championship in competitions at national and
  4. The realization of a complete infrastructure to provide education services adequate.
  5. Having educators who have the competence and qualifications according to their competencies, through various activities: MGMPs, Seminars, Workshops,Workshop
  6. Implement management development, human resource management, learning, means infrastructure, curriculum, assessment, student affairs and administration of schools that have characteristics of School Based Management (SBM), namely: independence, openness, accountability, stakeholder participation, flexibility, and
  7. The realization of the school development environment cultured according to the value and a national character to support the achievement of the quality of education by:
  8. Realizing clean living habits, competitions hygiene and
  9. Menciptaan cultured environment, beautiful, sustainable and
  10. Creating a culture of
  11. Realizing cooperation with other institutions in the development of culture environment

Profil SMP Negeri 1 Banjarmasin

The files includes the school profile of the schools, the mission, vision and goals. It also includes the different facilities and materials of the school, the total number of the students and their academic activities.

Syllabus in Science Grade

Syllabus in Science Grade

The files includes the syllabus of grade 7 and 9 science

Curriculum SMPN 1 Bjm (2018-2019).id.en

Curriculum of SMP Negeri 1 Banjarmasin year 2018-2019

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